Le GenevaJUG est très fier d’accueillir le Quarkus World Tour pour une session online, en français, avec Clément Escoffier et Guillaume Smet.
Cette session sera décomposée en trois parties :
Le nombre de places est limité à 50 pour que tout se passe dans les meilleures conditions, alors foncez et inscrivez-vous :-)
Présentation officielle du Quarkus World Tour :
In the spirit of the times, the Quarkus Team virtually presents a big, loud, and bold, rock & roll mega-stadium tour.
For the last 25 years, Java has performed for organizations across the world but you’ve never seen anything like this. We’ll cover all the classics like “Start Me Up” and “Living’ on a VM” and some new jams like “Stairway to Native” and “Sweet JPA of Mine” and more.
In this session the Quarkus Team will give you a unique, hands-on experience: An introduction to Quarkus, a follow-along hands-on demo or two and then a Q&A with some of the band, umm, developers involved.
So join us as we explore how Quarkus helps Java developers everywhere to be more productive, create modern masterpieces and, well, have more fun: 90 odd minutes of technical discussion, some live coding and a Q&A - it’s going to be a blast.
Oh and did we mention swag? Maybe even a Tour T-Shirt?
Time to rock the Java world 2021 style…